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Sep 10, 2021

Many don’t like papaya because of its pungent smell. There is a scientific reason for why papaya stinks. Papaya is chock-full of an enzyme called papain, which according to the Enzyme Education Institute has a somewhat offensive smell and “unpleasant” taste. Experts have found that papaya has antibacterial properties and promotes good digestion and wound healing. It also improves lactation in new mothers and relieves menstrual pain. Green unripe papaya helps to reduce the risk of heart disease.

All these three recipes will change your perspective over the “not so popular” papaya in your list. One should consume more papaya since we can get it easily in Singapore especially when it is packed with nutritious goodness.

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Sep 03, 2021
Bitter Gourd

Bitter Gourd is my family’s favorite. Both my children like it very much, which is rare for most people. Bitter gourd is not necessarily bitter. If one knows the way of cooking it, bitter gourd is bittersweet instead of bitter. Stop adding refined sugar to make it bittersweet. The trick is to make sure you add bitter gourd to a boiling pot or hot pan. Also, the combination of bitter gourd with certain ingredients will enhance the bittersweetness of the gourd.

Bitter gourd is a rich source of antioxidants and polyphenol compounds with the ability to lower inflammation in the body. Some experts believe it also helps in lowering bad cholesterol levels, thus reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke. It strengthens the immune system, improves respiratory health, boosts skin health, contains anti-ageing properties and improves metabolism. 

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Aug 27, 2021

The month of August is coming to an end soon. Hope all had a good celebration with a thankful heart. A nation that we can call home. A beautiful country with so much to be grateful for, especially the variety of food available. I am thankful for our country filled with all kinds of food from all over the world.

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