Wines Beers & Spirits
Canter Bianco 0.0 White Wine , 750 ml
- S$27.12 S$33.90
With its pleasant freshness and smoothness, this is a versatile non-alcoholic white wine for the whole meal. It goes well with a wide variety of dishes, from starters to fish or white meat. An elegant and sophisticated wine, straw yellow in colour with golden reflections that carries musk, freshly cut grass and spring fruits. Serve this non-alcoholic wine chilled at a temperature of 10-12°.
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- Deliciously refreshing wine without the hangover.
- With its pleasant freshness and smoothness, this is a versatile non-alcoholic white wine for the whole meal.
- INGREDIENTS : Dealcoholized white wine, grape must. Contains sulphites from the derivating wine.
- Is 0% alcohol free wine