Wines Beers & Spirits
Canter Sparkling Bianco Dry 0.0 White Wine, 750 ml
- S$33.52 S$41.90
Canter Sparkling Bianco Extra Dry is an alcohol-free extra dry sparkling white wine. This Italian quality wine undergoes the delicate process of reverse osmosis, extracting its full alcohol content. Delicious as an aperitif with fish and vega appetisers.
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- Canter Sparkling Bianco Extra Dry is an alcohol-free extra dry sparkling white wine.
- This Italian quality wine undergoes the delicate process of reverse osmosis, extracting its full alcohol content.
- Delicious as an aperitif with fish and vega appetisers.
- Ingredient : Dealcoholized white wine, grape must. Carbon dioxide added. Contains sulphites from the derivating wine.
- Is 0% alcohol free wine