Wines Beers & Spirits
La Boidina Chardonnay DOC White Wine, 750ml
- S$33.60 S$48.00
White wine made from Chardonnay grapes harvested ripe and subjected to soft crushing. It rests in barrels where fermentation took place, with further aging in acacia tonneaux. Straw yellow in color with nuances tending toward greenish; fresh, floral, fruity nose with characteristic hints of banana and exotic fruit. Harmonious and velvety on the palate it is balanced, refined but with good structure and persistence. Ideal as an aperitif or 75 cl to accompany fish dishes, it should be served at a temperature around 10 to 12 degrees. Alcohol 14.0%
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Colour | Straw yellow color with greenish reflection |
Smell | Characteristic hints of banana and exotic fruit |
Taste | Harmonious and velvety on the palate it is balanced, refined but with good structure and persistence. |
Alcohol | 14.0% |
Awards |
Vivino | |
Product Type | White Wine |
Vintage | |
Country | Italy |
Varietal Designation | |
Appellation |