Cantina Santa Maria La Palma Akenta Cuvee 71 White Wine, 750 ml
Cantina Santa Maria La Palma Akenta Cuvee 71 White Wine, 750 ml
- S$28.90 S$45.90
Akènta Cuvée is a still wine, very fragrant and pleasant. The Cuvée is in fact inspired by the Akènta world with the idea of giving an intense and emotional moment. A persuasive Vermentino di Sardegna DOC, ready to immediately strike wine lovers with its floral hints and an enveloping taste. It comes from a selection of the best bunches of Vermentino di Sardegna, grown on vineyards that grow on calcareous soils, with continuous exposure to the sea breeze which gives full maturation and unique tasting notes.
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Colour | Brilliant light straw yellow. |
Smell | Delicate floral scents are followed by intense fruitiness of white pulp melon. |
Taste | Savory, saline, full and long on the finish. |
Alcohol | 13% |
Awards | Gold Medal 2022 of Mundus Vini, Gold medal 2022 of the Wine Trophy. |
Vivino | 4.1 |
Product Type | White Wine |
Vintage | |
Country | Italy |
Varietal Designation | Vermentino |
Appellation | Sardinia |